Free Young She Males
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Bessie's account of being respected and treated as an equal by her male comrades jars with the previous historiography on young activists during these years, which describes comrade culture as deeply masculinist and disparaging towards young women. This chapter seeks to understand such contradictions and asks how young male and female activists related to one another at a time when township society was highly patriarchal, and during a period when young men increasingly asserted their masculinity through participating in the struggle. It explores both the gender relations that developed within the student and youth movement and how women remember these relations today, asking important questions about their overwhelmingly positive narratives.
The scholarship's idea came from first lady Cheri Bradley, who created The Women of ISU, an informal organization that provides opportunities for female faculty, staff, alumnae and emeritae to network with each other while also doing something to assist women. All of the group's events are open free-of-charge to any woman associated with Indiana State.
Delnat is a senior nursing major. She is a returning student who is finally getting her degree after a long hiatus. She first attended Indiana State back in the 1980's as a young, newly single, mother of three small children. She left school to care for her middle son, who is severely disabled with mental retardation and autism. While out of school she worked non-stop as a disabilities advocate. The two attended many meetings at the state legislature, fighting for Medicaid waivers to provide in-home help to parents who wanted to keep their children at home. The mission was accomplished when the Medicaid waiver program was passed. Delnat intends on pursing a master's degree in nursing at Indiana State and studies at the masters level. She currently works at ISU as a student instructor for Nursing 224 and one day per week as a student nurse at the Department of Veteran's Affairs Hospital in Danville, Ill.
For young people, alcohol is the drug of choice. In fact, alcohol is used by more young people than tobacco or illicit drugs. Although most children under age 14 have not yet begun to drink, early adolescence is a time of special risk for beginning to experiment with alcohol.
Good Reasons Not to Drink. In talking with your child about reasons to avoid alcohol, stay away from scare tactics. Most young teens are aware that many people drink without problems, so it is important to discuss the consequences of alcohol use without overstating the case. Some good reasons why teens should not drink:
Alcohol affects young people differently than adults. Drinking while the brain is still maturing may lead to long-lasting intellectual effects and may even increase the likelihood of developing alcohol dependence later in life.
Encourage Healthy Alternatives to Alcohol. One reason kids drink is to beat boredom. So it makes sense to encourage your child to participate in supervised after-school and weekend activities that are challenging and fun. According to a recent survey of preteens, the availability of enjoyable, alcohol-free activities is a big reason for deciding not to use alcohol.
The more of these experiences a child has had, the greater the chances that he or she will develop problems with alcohol. Having one or more risk factors does not mean that your child definitely will develop a drinking problem, but it does suggest that you may need to act now to help protect your youngster from later problems.
Accused of having the potential to cause \"confusion, curiosity, and gender dysphoria,\" and challenged for portraying LGBTQIA+ content and a homosexual wedding--and for being a deliberate attempt to indoctrinate young children\"--this heartwarming modern fairy tale portrays a prince and a knight who fall in love while battling a dragon.
ASD SiA gives families and service providers tools to ensure they are equipped to effectively care for, support, educate, employ, or work with individuals on the autism spectrum from early childhood to young adulthood. ASD SiA offers a free online course in evidence-based strategies that can be used in natural environments during the typical routines and activities of toddlers and preschoolers, elementary and middle school students, and high school and transition age individuals.
Aubrey Page is a foster parent, educator, and advocate specializing in supporting children with FASD and other disabilities. Links to her blog, social media groups, online courses, and free online resources can be found on the = Change Starts Here Collaborative website.
Two-generation approaches, programs, and policies are essential to eliminate intergenerational cycles of poverty. Not only do these approaches provide the necessary interventions for young parents, but they also help prevent their children from becoming disconnected later in life. Leaders serving disconnected fathers of color should consider and address the unique needs of this population through strategies such as providing flexible schedules and child care. Leaders serving young boys of color should take into consideration the employment, educational, and health and human service needs of the fathers of these boys, including noncustodial fathers. Programs should also provide opportunities for intergenerational projects and co-learning, along with opportunities for peer-to-peer support.
Foster partnerships between organizations and agencies, both inside and outside of government, that provide services for disconnected youth and young children. Determine ways to unite efforts in a cohesive and coordinated manner that goes beyond referrals to external services. To get started, find champions in your community to help advocate for and lead the effort to change the status quo. Identify potential partners in employment, education, and health and human services. Convene partners to share the types of steps and supports needed to employ two-generation approaches. Finally, establish ways to break through the current siloed ways of operating, including creating communication channels across agencies and levels of leadership.
There are four principal sources of information about the sexual practices of teen-agers: the National Survey of Family Growth, a national in-person survey of women ages 15-44 conducted in 1982 and again in 1988; the National Survey of Adolescent Males, a survey of males ages 15-19 conducted in 1988 and 1991; the National Survey of Young Men, a 1979 survey of 17-to l9-year-olds; andthe Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a 1990 questionnaire-based survey of 11,631 males and females in grades 9-12 conducted by the Centers for Disease Control. In addition, the Abortion Provider Survey, performed by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, collects information about abortions and those who provide them.
With minor variations caused by differences in methodology, each survey documents a sharp increase in the sexual activity of American teen-agers. All these surveys, however, are based on the self-reports of young people and must be interpreted with care.
These aggregate statistics for all teen-agers obscure the second remarkable aspect of this 30-year trend: Sexual activity is starting at ever-younger ages. And teens are not only having sex earlier, they are also having sex with more partners. Almost 7 percent of ninth-grade females told the Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 1990 that they had had intercourse with four or more different partners, while 19 percent of males the same age reported having done so. By the 12th grade, 17 percent of girls and 38 percent of boys reported having four or more sexual partners.
A major component of these increases has been the rise in sexual activity among middle-income teen-agers. Between 1982 and 1988, the proportion of sexually active females in families with incomes equal to or greater than 200 percent of the poverty line increased from 39 percent to 50 percent. At the same time, the proportion of females from poorer families who had ever had sex remained stable at 56 percent.
Until recently, black teens had substantially higher rates of sexual activity than whites. Now, the differences between older teens of both races have narrowed. But once more, these aggregate figures obscure underlying age differentials. For males and females, the gap narrowed between the 15-year-old and 18-year-old groups. Finding birth control Many people believe that there would be less teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases if contraceptives were simply more available to teen-agers, hence the call for sex education at younger ages, condoms in the schools, and expanded family planning programs in general. (In Florida, a task force appointed by the governor has recommended that condoms be made available to high school students. Some school districts in Central Florida have passed resolutions against the idea.)
But an objective look at the data reveals that availability is not the prime factor determining contraceptive use. Almost all young people have access to at least one form of contraception. In a national survey conducted in 1979 by Melvin Zelnik and Young Kim of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in Baltimore, more than three-quarters of 15-to 19-year-olds reported having had a sex education course, and 75 percent of those who did remembered being told how to obtain contraception.
Two pieces of evidence further dispel the notion that lack of availability of contraception is the prime problem. First, reported contraceptive use has increased even more than rates of sexual activity. By 1988, the majority of sexually experienced female teens who were at risk to have an unintended pregnancy were using contraception: 79 percent. In addition, the proportion of teen females who reported using a method of contraception at first intercourse increased from 48 percent in 1982 to 65 percent in 1988. 59ce067264