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A tiled map view with interactive annotation. It provides functionality for rendering simple maps in Maps, and for attaching interactive annotation (such as lines, circles, polygons, and photos) to specific locations. Coordinates are read from mapserver by using the *nogps* option in the URL.
AppState is a collection of unique identifiers that represents the status of the player's current in-game session, whether the player is logged into the game, and whether the player has saved or unsaved game in progress. The AppState data is put at the top of navigation messages and are app specific and not persistent, describe this type of data and the types of other in-game information that a game server can set up.
The core concepts of the Platform are simple: The SDK provides a consistent set of services that developers can use to develop games, services, and other native extensions for Facebook, and users can access these services by using the social graph API. For example: Facebook users can download apps, log in and access Facebook friend lists, update friends and information, and post to the wall; and developers can build games on top of the SDK. More information about the service API can be found on the Facebook developer documentation site. The section below goes into more detail about how the SDK interacts with the social graph API.
The crack Berlin-based QA team of Andreas Knig and Slaven Rezic tirelessly re-built snapshots, tested most everything CPAN against them, and then identified the changes responsible for any module regressions, ensuring that several show-stopper bugs were stomped before the first release candidate was cut. d2c66b5586